Thursday, November 5, 2015


Enrollment has dropped by a whopping 20% in the last four years.
Bill Windsor advises parents of Montana children: Keep your children away from the University of Montana. For starters, it's the Rape Capital of America. Your daughter stands an excellent chance of getting raped, and if she is raped, the odds are less than 20% that the rapist will be prosecuted.
Then there's the academic rating. The University of Montana is next to last of all the rated universities in the country. Your child doesn't want to be part of the 1% -- the 1% who attended the worst colleges in America.
And then there's the corruption. The folks who run the University of Montana are dishonest if not outright corrupt. They employ people who cyberstalk, harass, and threaten folks -- even attempt to murder folks. I know. I was shot at by a University of Montana employee.
Send your child to the University of Montana where they can walk across the campus with University-paid stalkers and would-be killers.
The University of Montana enrollment decline is more drastic than originally thought, down 6.5 percent from last year, not 4.3 as they previously reported.
Last fall the University had just under 14,000 students, this semester, they've barely topped 13,000.
UM spokeswoman Peggy Kuhr says they started a new way of counting enrollment last year, which accounts for students who pay their tuition late. This led to a fall semester projection that did not reflect the actual enrollment number.
Kuhr says the decline will cause a $3 million loss in revenue for the school, but is not concerned about layoffs or any drastic cost cutting moves.
She says several factors contribute to the drop in students.
"When we look at students coming here and who want to come here, we want to make sure that we have the mix of programs that they're interested in," Kuhr said. "And we know right now engineering is very popular nationally, and that is not a program we offer, and so we see that ebb and flow as it happens over the years."
Enrollment has been on the decline since 2012.
In 2011, almost 16,000 students attended UM. That number dropped to just under 15,000 in 2012 and now sits under 14,000.
Kuhr says students who don't pay tuition by the semester deadline can take advantage of programs through the University to help them out. These students are not counted towards enrollment numbers until they are fully paid.
Photo copyright Friends of Bill Windsor.


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