Friday, August 21, 2015

The University of Montana MUST be Held Accountable for their behavior and the actions of their law students.

Subject: student lawyers
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2015 14:46:57 -0600

Dear Legal Clinic Director Jeff Renz
University of Montana "Blewitt" Law School
Missoula, Montana

RE: Montana Law students caught prosecuting unsupervised summer 2015: Cascade County Montana

Dear Jeff,

When a Montana Law student prosecutes unsupervised in violation of the Montana Student Practice rule (unsupervised prior to JD or Bar passage) that is known as felony impersonation of a public official.

In 2012 the Chief Counsel for University of Montana David Aronofsky told me in a phone conversation that third year or 3L students continue to practice in this manner (unsupervised and in criminal act).  He left shortly thereafter.

As you may know, in 2007 I was also prosecuted by law student Angela Wetzsteon ('08) of your fine Blewitt law school on August 8, 2007 prior to completing her JD or Bar License on 10/9/2008 [available:]

The Montana Student Practice Rule states that a supervisor is "personally and professionally liable" for the actions of the two (2) Montana law students committing felonies (also perjury due to false identity as "state prosecutor") in Cascade County Montana this summer.  How is your school going to discipline these students coming back this fall to the Blewitt law school, because committing felonies prior to finishing law school counts as blowing it in my book.(?)

I will leave you with my report from 2008 calling for your school accreditation bodies (American Association of Law Schools, (AALS); American Bar Association, (ABA)) to take disciplinary action.  Three hundred (300) people have read it online.  

As I have mentioned unlawful student practice to the Montana Law school via former Dean Irma Russell, Ed Eck, The American Bar, the AALS  and taken the matter to appeal en banc with the 9th Circuit, this means that you, your Blewitt School, President Engstrom, and others are negligent because you knew or should have know that unlawful student practice would continue.  Actually Jeff, you are criminally negligent due to this involving the failure to supervise law students who are continuously committing felony crimes.  Crimes that are not victim-less.

For those reasons, I require your resignation for failure to stop criminal activity on UM Law's Blewitt campus.  These crimes will stop, and I am lawfully watching  how all parties involved are doing nothing but allowing the student unlawful practice (while unsupervised) to continue.

Let me know if you have any questions as to this criminal activity since approximately 1990 at your law school.

Michael Spreadbury"

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